There are both positive and negative opinions about the idea of 'Censorship'. Is it Good or Is it bad?
censorship is used in the media to hide or cut out something which may be bad or inappropriate for the audience. Censorship could vary with different channels for example, BBC would have family friendly programmes and wouldn't put something completley inappropriate. I think censorship should be up to limit, like censoring things that is way bad for the audience.
This advertisement of kellogs Crunchy Nut where a shopping trolley with baby, rolls down the road and then down a staircase cause a huge amount of chaos as many of the audience thought this was a health and safety hazard, because it showed an actual baby in a trolley going down a staricase, even though the child was not hurt.
Many adverts are banned because of ridiculous reasons. As a way of controlling the media, there is Ratings. Ratitngs is where media such as Tv, Film, and video games is rated for a certain age group. Film ratings; many people actually watch films they aren't supposed to watch because they are under the age requirement. So ratings don't work, because many people are much more mature for their age and take in information in a sensible way. Another media that can't be controlled is the Internet, because it is too big for a censoring system to actually censor.
Overall, I think censorship should stay and it should be for good reasons.
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